Wondering about combining blue & brown? Give it a shot

The Mars Exploration Rover mission team at NASA found layers of rock and sediment. When I saw the pic, I was floored with the beauty of another world. So began my new color inspiration - the pairing of blue and brown.

Back to Mother Earth, one of its best creations cannot be ignored.  I am drawn to the colors of this butterfly? How about you?

Something as basic as a row of books can catch your eye if the colors are well coordinated. Don’t you think the bits of gold further enhance the blue and brown?

Love this giant blue clock framed against the old light brown brick wall.  Can you imagine these colors in your home?

How about these shades of blue and brown?

Let's take nature's beauty to our homes. In the nursery below, I love the pops of orange, blue pictures and brown frames on the wall in the mix of blue, brown and white.

The dining area here has the richness of dark wood, royal blue and teal. Do you think white augments these colors?  And yes... I just love the silver on the bluish brown wooden floor!

My penchants are decorating the flush tank and corners in my house. This rustic alcove with brown vintage boxes makes for a striking vignette. Although the blue checked chairs are poised to take a backseat, they create their own charm.

In this pic, the soft blue print of the couch connects beautifully with the dash of yellow, turquoise and dark brown. Would you agree?

What do you think of the colors of this house?

Blue with brown seems like a versatile combination. Transcending homes, they find a place in hotel lobbies, airports, restaurants, offices and more.

Now here’s one movie theatre I would want to frequent.  Would you?

So would you give the blue and brown combination a shot?  Where would you try it out? Would love to hear from you.

Write to me - shailaja@colorsworth.com

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